About Me

This is me!

This is me!

Hi my name is Honey and I am a hamster that always goes on adventures. My life is very fun but challenging. Sometimes I am out of my cage for a while and have to find my own food. If you were a hamster you would think it would be fun and easy but its not you don’t have water and sometimes you have food. Your owner probably as food on high shelf’s like my owner does but us hamster’s can NOT climb. My owner always finds me and puts me back in my cage. Sometimes my owner lets me out of my cage on purpose. My owner almost every time finds me but I will not tell you that story now. My owner adopted me a year ago. My owner always plays with me and she told once me she almost got me leash at the pet store. When she told me about the leash I was thinking why would my owner get me a leash I don’t even think that a hamster leash is real it  could  but I don’t think its real because that was the first time I ever heard of a hamster leash how wierd. Humans think of so many wierd thinks. I have only seen one hamster that’s not me in my whole life, his name is Cocomo and I only saw him once he died a few months ago he and my owner are my best friends. Enjoy my site and please make a comment!